湖北农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (20): 74-78.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.014

• 园艺·特产 • 上一篇    下一篇


再吐娜·买买提1, 许建2, 耿新丽1, 张翠环1, 郑贺云1   

  1. 1.新疆维吾尔自治区葡萄瓜果研究所, 新疆 鄯善 838200;
    2.新疆农业职业技术学院园林科技分院,新疆 昌吉 831100
  • 收稿日期:2021-08-02 出版日期:2022-10-25 发布日期:2022-11-23
  • 通讯作者: 许 建(1982-),男,江苏徐州人,副教授,主要从事西甜瓜育种、栽培及采后加工技术。
  • 作者简介:再吐娜·买买提(1982-),女,新疆吐鲁番人,高级农艺师,主要从事西甜瓜贮藏与运输研究,(电话)19909954222(电子信箱)1449813437@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:

Study on the relationship between the flesh color change and carotenoids of melon

Zaituna Maimaiti1, XU Jian2, GENG Xin-li1, ZHANG Cui-huan1, ZHENG He-yun1   

  1. 1. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Grape Fruit Research Institute, Shanshan 838200, Xinjiang, China;
    2. College of Garden Science and Technology, Xinjiang Agricultural Vocational Technical College, Changji 831100, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2021-08-02 Online:2022-10-25 Published:2022-11-23

摘要: 试验以4种不同果肉色泽的甜瓜(Cucumis melo L.)品种:白肉型、绿肉型、浅桔红肉型、橘红肉型为材料,研究甜瓜果实发育过程中果肉色泽和类胡萝卜素含量的变化,分析果肉色泽ab与类胡萝卜素含量间的拟合关系。结果表明,浅桔红肉、橘红肉、绿肉型甜瓜发育过程中L均呈下降趋势,果肉颜色变深;浅桔红肉、橘红肉型甜瓜ab均持续升高,果肉向红色、黄色变化;绿肉型甜瓜ab均呈下降趋势,向黄绿色转变;白肉型甜瓜La变化不显著,但b由20.9显著下降至6.3。橘红肉型、浅桔红肉型甜瓜类胡萝卜素含量与a线性拟合系数分别为0.773 2、0.910 4,与b线性拟合系数分别为0.882 6、0.822 9,均呈正向极显著相关;白肉型甜瓜类胡萝卜素含量与b线性拟合度达0.463 7,呈显著正相关。类胡萝卜素含量可以通过色差仪快速测定ab来近似表示。

关键词: 甜瓜(Cucumis melo L.), 类胡萝卜素, 色泽, 相关系数

Abstract: Four melon varieties with different flesh color: White flesh type, green flesh type, light orange flesh type and orange flesh type were used as materials to study the changes of flesh color and carotenoid content during the development of melon fruit, and to analyze the fitting relationship between a, b of flesh color and carotenoid content. The results showed that the L of light orange red flesh, orange red flesh type and green flesh type melon decreased during the development, and the flesh color became darker; a and b of light orange flesh type, orange flesh type melon continuously increased, and the pulp changed to red and yellow; a and b of green flesh type melon showed a downward trend and changed to yellow-green; L and a of white flesh type melon did not change significantly, but b decreased significantly from 20.9 to 6.3. In orange flesh type melon and light orange flesh type melon, the linear fitting coefficients of carotenoid content and a were 0.773 2 and 0.910 4, and the linear fitting coefficients of carotenoid content and b were 0.882 6 and 0.822 9, respectively, showing a positive and extremely significant correlation. The linear fitting degree of carotenoid content and b of white flesh type melon reached 0.463 7, showing a significant positive correlation. Carotenoid content could be approximately expressed by rapid determination of a and b by color difference meter.

Key words: melon(Cucumis melo L.), carotenoid, color, correlation coefficient
