湖北农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (14): 183-187.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.14.033

• 信息工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


魏冰青1, 屈昂1, 李爱芳2, 陈晓峰1   

  1. 1.中国农业大学烟台研究院,山东 烟台 264670;
    2.中国建设银行烟台分行西郊支行,山东 烟台 264000
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-10 出版日期:2022-07-25 发布日期:2022-08-25
  • 通讯作者: 陈晓峰(1979-),男,山东烟台人,博士,主要从事设施农业和农村产业化教研工作,(电话)18553585939(电子信箱)cauyt2021@126.com。
  • 作者简介:魏冰青(2001-),女,山东临沂人,在读本科生,研究方向为设施农业科学与工程,(电话)18519052997(电子信箱)2512047300@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:
    烟台市社会科学规划研究项目(YTZX2021-90); 中国农业大学本科生URP项目(U20203053、U20203055)

Research on construction methods of digital village

WEI Bing-qing1, QU Ang1, LI Ai-fang2, CHEN Xiao-feng1   

  1. 1. Yantai Institute of China Agricultural University, Yantai 264670,Shandong,China;
    2. Xijiao Branch of China Construction Bank Yantai Branch,Yantai 264000,Shandong,China
  • Received:2021-05-10 Online:2022-07-25 Published:2022-08-25

摘要: 随着时代的进步和农村发展需求的不断提升,对更符合国情、更高效率的数字乡村发展路径的探索是实现农村现代化的关键。本研究总结了数字乡村建设的发展历程,分析了现阶段中国数字乡村的建设情况,精准定位到中国数字乡村建设工作在发展资金、人才、农村电商发展路径的选择以及地区农业产业发展的平衡等方面存在的短板,从基础信息设施建设、数字金融、数字乡村治理、网络扶贫、数字技术与产业的融合5个方面概括了中国数字乡村建设路径的思路和先进经验,并基于中国数字乡村建设的现状,对数字乡村建设的路径进行了构思和归纳总结,为数字乡村建设路径的探索与优化、地区特色数字乡村建设提供依据。

关键词: 数字乡村, 乡村振兴, 乡村建设, 农村现代化, 路径探索

Abstract: With the progress of the times and the increasing demand of rural development, it is the key to realizing the rural modernization to explore the digital rural development path which is more in line with the national conditions and more efficient. This paper summarized the digital development course and status quo of rural construction, targeted the shortcomings of China's digital rural construction work in the capital, talent, rural e-commerce development path choice, balance of regional agricultural industry development and other aspects, and summarized the thoughts and advanced experience of China's digital rural construction path from five aspects which included the information infrastructure, digital finance, digital rural governance, poverty alleviation, and the integration of digital technology and industry. Based on the current situation of China's digital rural construction,the path of digital rural construction was conceived and summarized, which provided a basis for the exploration and optimization of digital rural construction path and digital rural construction with regional characteristics.

Key words: digital village, rural revitalization, rural construction, rural modernization, path exploration
