湖北农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (14): 141-144.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.14.025

• 农业工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


吴加波1, 张翔2, 黄天平3, 田岩3   

  1. 1.陕西省现代农业科学研究院,西安 710068;
    2.榆林市农业科学研究院,陕西 榆林 719000;
    3.榆林市蔬菜产业发展中心,陕西 榆林 719000
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-21 出版日期:2022-07-25 发布日期:2022-08-25
  • 作者简介:吴加波(1964-),男,陕西西乡人,高级农艺师,主要从事农业规划设计和设施农业研究,(电话)15830954801(电子信箱)erchun776@163.com。

Solar greenhouse vegetable growing technology in northern Shaanxi

WU Jia-bo1, ZHANG Xiang2, HUANG Tian-ping3, TIAN Yan3   

  1. 1. Shaanxi Academy of Modern Agricultural Sciences, Xi'an 710068, China;
    2. Yulin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Yulin 719000, Shaanxi, China;
    3. Yulin Vegetable Industry Development Center, Yulin 719000, Shaanxi, China
  • Received:2021-05-21 Online:2022-07-25 Published:2022-08-25

摘要: 为探究日光温室蔬菜种植在陕北地区的应用效果,提高温室蔬菜种植的实际效益,以杨凌区为温室蔬菜种植试验区,分析了试验区温室蔬菜种植模式与经验,将其应用于陕北地区温室蔬菜栽培实践中,同时重点针对陕北地区蔬菜种植的实际情况,提出了日光温室改进方案以及南向单坡连体温室改进方案。结果表明,该方案运行效果良好,通风改造后,每座温室的成本增加1 000元,在陕北地区某大棚实际应用中共花费28 000元。南向单坡连体温室改进方案可提高吸热能力、实现大规模的机械作业、提高土地利用率。两种方案均具有优越的实际应用效果,可在陕北地区推广使用。

关键词: 设施蔬菜, 日光温室, 温室改进, 陕北地区

Abstract: Further improvement was expected to be achieved of the application effect and actual benefits of solar greenhouse vegetable growing in northern Shaanxi. Through the solar greenhouse vegetable growing experimental area in Yangling Agricultural Hi-tech Industries Demonstration Zone, the solar greenhouse vegetable growing mode and experience were analyzed to be applied to the solar greenhouse vegetable growing in northern Shaanxi. In view of the realistic situation of the solar greenhouse vegetable growing in northern Shaanxi, the solar greenhouse improvement scheme was proposed, as well as the southward single slope conjoined solar greenhouse improvement scheme. The investigation was conducted on concrete contents and application effects of the two schemes. The solar greenhouse improvement scheme focused on the ventilation system and greenhouse structure, which was proved to run well. After the ventilation transformation, the cost of each greenhouse increased by about 1 000 yuan, and the total cost of a greenhouse in northern Shaanxi was 28 000 yuan. The southward single slope conjoined solar greenhouse improved the heat absorption capacity, realized large-scale mechanical operation, and increased the land utilization rate. Both schemes had superior practical application effects and could be popularized in northern Shaanxi.

Key words: greenhouse vegetable, solar greenhouse, greenhouse improvement, northern Shaanxi
