湖北农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (12): 71-74.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.12.014

• 园艺·特产 • 上一篇    下一篇


王慧1, 崔祥筝1, 宣自运1, 李鑫达1, 朱瑞1, 阮俊2, 张旭1, 刘亚华1, 韩效钊1   

  1. 1.合肥工业大学化学与化工学院,合肥 230009;
    2.安徽农巧施农业科技有限公司,安徽 池州 242803
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-12 出版日期:2022-06-25 发布日期:2022-07-22
  • 通讯作者: 韩效钊,教授,主要从事新型肥料工程技术研究,(电子信箱)hxzhgd@sina.com。
  • 作者简介:王 慧(1999-),女,甘肃漳县人,在读本科生,研究方向为液体水溶肥料浸种性能,(电话)15379220069(电子信箱)1972291925@qq.com
  • 基金资助:
    合肥工业大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目(X202010359212); 安徽省科技重大专项(18030701210)

Effect of whole nutrient water-soluble fertilizer and seaweed soaking on seed germination in cucumber

WANG Hui1, CUI Xiang-zheng1, XUAN Zi-yun1, LI Xin-da1, ZHU Rui1, RUAN Jun2, ZHANG Xu1, LIU Ya-hua1, HAN Xiao-zhao1   

  1. 1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China;
    2. Anhui Nongqiaoshi Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Chizhou 242803, Anhui, China
  • Received:2021-05-12 Online:2022-06-25 Published:2022-07-22

摘要: 分析黄瓜的主要需肥特性,研究一种液体水溶肥料,设计N、P2O5、K2O、Ca、Mg、Zn、Fe养分含量分别为100.0、12.5、25.0、75.0、25.0、8.0、1.0 g/L,产品执行中量元素水溶肥料农业行业标准(NY2266—2012)。分别用该肥料和该肥料与海藻原液混合物不同倍数稀释液对黄瓜进行浸种试验。结果表明, 1 400倍肥料稀释液浸种效果较好,与清水对照相比,发芽率、黄瓜种子发芽势、幼苗相对含水量分别增加18.00、22.00、0.02个百分点,发芽指数、活力指数、一级侧根数、主根长、下胚轴长、下胚轴粗分别增加13.1%、29.4%、38.5%、31.7%、35.6%、39.4%,幼苗相对电导率下降31.5%。海藻原液对水溶肥料浸种效果有良好的促进作用。

关键词: 水溶肥料, 黄瓜, 中量元素, 浸种, 海藻

Abstract: The characteristics of main fertilizer needed by cucumber were analyzed, and a liquid water-soluble fertilizer was studied. The nutrient contents of N, P2O5, K2O, Ca, Mg, Zn and Fe were 100.0, 12.5, 25.0, 75.0, 25.0, 8.0 and 1.0 g/L, respectively. The products complied with the agricultural industry standard of water-soluble fertilizers containing calcium and magnesium(NY2266—2012). The results showed that the seed soaking effect of 1 400 times fertilizer dilution was better, and the germination rate, germination potential and relative water content of seedlings were increased by 18.00, 22.00 and 0.02 percentage points respectively compared with that of water control. Germination index, vigor index, first order lateral root number, taproot length, hypocotyl length and hypocotyl diameter increased by 13.1%, 29.4%, 38.5%, 31.7%, 35.6% and 39.4%, respectively. The relative electrical conductivity of seedlings decreased by 31.5%. Seaweed liquid had a good promoting effect on seed soaking effect of water-soluble fertilizer.

Key words: water-soluble fertilizer, cucumber, medium elements, dipping, seaweed
