湖北农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (7): 20-24.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.07.004

• 资源·环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


亓守贺, 李昊远, 张恒, 孔凡克, 曲威   

  1. 中国农业大学烟台研究院,山东 烟台 264670
  • 收稿日期:2021-04-01 出版日期:2022-04-10 发布日期:2022-05-04
  • 通讯作者: 曲 威(1982-),女,辽宁抚顺人,讲师,博士,主要从事生物质能源研究,(电子信箱)quwei0506@163.com。
  • 作者简介:亓守贺(2002-),男,陕西宝鸡人,在读本科生,研究方向为农业废弃物利用,(电话)19863939881(电子信箱)316093550@qq.com
  • 基金资助:
    烟台市重点研发计划项目(2018XSCC044); 烟台市校地融合项目(2021XDRHXMQT19); 中国农业大学烟台研究院“三个一流”建设项目(2019Yt); 中国农业大学烟台研究院“一流教研室”建设项目(202201Ys)

Research on preparation of seaweed organic liquid fertilizer by composite enzmy coupled microbial fermentation

QI Shou-he, LI Hao-yuan, ZHANG Heng, KONG Fan-ke, QU Wei   

  1. Yantai Research Institute, China Agricultural University, Yantai 264670, Shandong, China
  • Received:2021-04-01 Online:2022-04-10 Published:2022-05-04

摘要: 为了开发海洋生物质资源,以大型海藻为原料,利用生物法制备海藻有机液肥,采用复合酶解耦合微生物发酵法,研究了影响酶解效率的pH、温度、酶添加量和反应时间等因素,并利用正交试验获得复合酶解海藻的优化工艺参数。同时为进一步提高海藻细胞内生物活性物质的释放,利用微生物菌剂对海藻酶解液进一步发酵,获得最适发酵工艺条件。结果表明,复合酶解耦合微生物发酵法制备海藻肥的最佳酶解条件为酶解pH 6.5、酶解温度65 ℃、酶添加量5%、酶解时间8 h。利用微生物菌剂对海藻酶解液发酵的最佳发酵工艺条件为发酵时间36 h、微生物菌剂接种量0.3%、发酵装瓶量40 mL/100 mL、发酵温度45 ℃、发酵初始pH 6.5。经种子萌发试验,复合酶解耦合微生物发酵制备的海藻液肥可以显著提高种子萌发率。

关键词: 大型海藻, 复合酶解, 微生物发酵, 耦合工艺, 海藻有机液肥

Abstract: In order to develop marine biomass resources, seaweed organic liquid fertilizer was prepared by biological method with macroalgae as raw material. Compound enzymolysis coupled microbial fermentation method was used. The factors affecting enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency, such as pH, temperature, enzyme dosage and reaction time, were studied. The optimum technological parameters were obtained by orthogonal experiment. In order to further improve the release of bioactive substances in seaweed cells, the optimal fermentation conditions were obtained by further fermentation of seaweed hydrolysate with microbial agents. The results showed that the optimal enzymolysis conditions for the preparation of seaweed fertilizer by compound enzymolysis coupled with microbial fermentation were as follows: pH 6.5, enzymolysis temperature 65 ℃, enzyme dosage 5%, enzymolysis time 8 h. The optimal fermentation conditions were as follows: fermentation time 36 h, inoculation amount of microbial agent 0.3%, bottling amount 40 mL/100 mL, fermentation temperature 45 ℃, initial fermentation pH 6.5. Through seed germination test, seaweed liquid fertilizer prepared by compound enzyme hydrolysis coupled with microbial fermentation can significantly improve seed germination rate.

Key words: macroalgae, complex enzymatic hydrolysis, microbial fermentation, coupling process, seaweed organic liquid fertilizer
