湖北农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (3): 127-133.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.026

• 检测分析 • 上一篇    下一篇


马玉青1, 邓秀娟2, 赵碧1, 刘本英1, 孙云南1, 潘联云1, 曲浩1, 梁名志1   

  1. 1.云南省农业科学院茶叶研究所/云南省茶学重点实验室,云南 勐海 666201;
    2.云南农业大学茶学院,昆明 650201
  • 收稿日期:2020-06-22 出版日期:2022-02-10 发布日期:2022-03-11
  • 通讯作者: 梁名志,研究员,主要从事茶叶加工与茶树资源研究,(电话)13887931902(电子信箱)liangmingzhi@126.com。
  • 作者简介:马玉青(1992-),男,河南信阳人,助理研究员,硕士,主要从事茶叶加工与生化研究,(电话)18213910679(电子信箱)1132410226@qq.com
  • 基金资助:
    云南省重大科技专项计划“世界大叶茶技术创新中心建设及成果产业化”(202102AE090038); 云南省茶学重点实验室开放基金项目(2020YNCX003)

Determination and comparative analysis of characteristic chemical components of Yunnan wild sweet tea and Yunkang No.10

MA Yu-qing1, DENG Xiu-juan2, ZHAO Bi1, LIU Ben-ying1, SUN Yun-nan1, PAN Lian-yun1, QU Hao1, LIANG Ming-zhi1   

  1. 1. Tea Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory for Tea Science, Menghai 666201, Yunnan, China;
    2. College of Tea, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China
  • Received:2020-06-22 Online:2022-02-10 Published:2022-03-11

摘要: 为探究云南野生多穗柯甜茶和云抗10号的特征化学成分及差异成分,采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)、液相色谱质谱联用(LC-MS)和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP)等方法测定了两者制成的蒸青茶样和红茶样品的常量生化成分和特征甜味成分。并结合国标感官审评方法,明确了野生甜茶特异甜味的化学成分及含量。同时对比分析了野生甜茶与云抗10号制成相对应茶样的内含成分与感官品质差异。结果表明,云南野生甜茶含有的特异甜味成分为二氢查尔酮类化合物,其蒸青样中含量达到11.26%,同时还含有一定量的氨基酸、水溶性糖与多糖,而不含云抗10号中山茶科植物特有的茶多酚、茶氨酸和咖啡碱。甜茶中酪氨酸、脯氨酸、天冬氨酸等几种氨基酸的含量显著高于云抗10号;试验茶样中不但含有较多的钾、钙、镁、磷等常量元素,还含有铁、锌、锰、铜、铬、镍等人体需要的微量元素,具有一定的保健价值。而感官审评结果表明,云南野生甜茶制成不同茶类在汤色、香气和滋味等方面都与传统大叶种茶类有较大差异,其滋味主要表现为甜醇甘爽,具有甘草的香气与清甜滋味。本研究初步明确了云南野生甜茶的常量生化成分与特异甜味成分,并与云南代表性茶树品种云抗10号进行了内含成分与感官品质的差异对比分析,两者在化学成分与感官品质上均有显著差异。

关键词: 云南野生甜茶, 云抗10号, 二氢查耳酮, 红茶, 高效液相色谱(HPLC), 液相色谱质谱联用(LC-MS), 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP)

Abstract: In order to explore the characteristic chemical constituents and differential components of Yunnan wild multi spike sweet tea and Yunkang No.10, the major biochemical components and characteristic sweet components of steamed green tea and black tea were determined by HPLC, LC-MS and ICP. Combining with the national standard sensory evaluation method, the chemical composition and content of the special sweetness of wild sweet tea were determined. The differences in contents and sensory quality between wild sweet tea and Yunkang No.10 were compared and analyzed. The results showed that the sweet components of Yunnan wild sweet tea were dihydrochalcone compounds, the content of which reached 11.26%, it also contains a certain amount of amino acids, water-soluble sugars and polysaccharides, but does not contain the unique tea polyphenols, theanine and caffeine of Yunkang No.10. The contents of tyrosine, proline, aspartic acid and other amino acids in sweet tea were significantly higher than those in Yunkang No.10. The experimental tea samples not only contained more potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other major elements, but also had trace elements such as iron, zinc, manganese, copper, chromium, nickel and other human needs, which had a certain health value. The results of sensory evaluation showed that the color, aroma and taste of Yunnan wild sweet tea were different from those of traditional big leaf tea, its taste is mainly sweet and mellow, with the aroma of licorice and sweet taste. In this study, the major biochemical components and specific sweet components of Yunnan wild sweet tea were identified, and the differences between them and Yunnan representative tea variety Yunkang No.10 were analyzed. There were significant differences in chemical components and sensory quality between them.

Key words: Yunnan wild sweet tea, Yunkang No.10, dihydrochalcone, black tea, HPLC, LC-MS, ICP
