湖北农业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (19): 75-80.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.19.015

• 园艺·特产 • 上一篇    下一篇


李秀丽1, 陈镇1, 戢小梅1, 戴志刚2, 陈法志1, 陈志伟1, 翟敬华1   

  1. 1.武汉市农业科学院林业果树研究所,武汉 430075;
    2.湖北省耕地质量与肥料工作总站,武汉 430070
  • 收稿日期:2020-12-07 出版日期:2021-10-10 发布日期:2021-10-22
  • 作者简介:李秀丽(1982-),女,河北邯郸人,高级工程师,博士,主要从事园艺植物生物学特性及栽培生理研究,(电话)18062688408(电子信箱)lixiuli1204@126.com。
  • 基金资助:
    湖北省自然科学基金面上类项目(2019CFB351); 湖北省技术创新专项重大项目(农业领域)(2018ABA073)

Infrared spectroscopy analysis of branches with different lignification degrees from tree peony

LI Xiu-li1, CHEN Zhen1, JI Xiao-mei1, DAI Zhi-gang2, CHEN Fa-zhi1, CHEN Zhi-wei1, ZHAI Jing-hua1   

  1. 1. Insititute of Forestry and Fruit Tree,Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan 430075,China;
    2. Hubei Provincial General Station of Arable Land Quality and Fertilizer,Wuhan 430070,China
  • Received:2020-12-07 Online:2021-10-10 Published:2021-10-22

摘要: 以4年生凤丹白(Paeonia ostii ‘Fengdanbai')木质化程度最高的多年生枝条(枝条1)、木质化程度较高的一年生枝条(枝条2)、木质化程度较低的一年生枝条(枝条3)作为试验材料,借助傅里叶变换红外光谱(Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy,FTIR)及高斯多峰拟合分析不同类型枝条的波谱特征及蛋白质二级结构的差异性。FTIR结果显示,枝条中存在12个特征峰,1 253、1 385、1 461和1 738 cm-1处的特征峰随木质化的增加振动强度逐渐增强,说明多年生枝条中含有较多的木质素;枝条1中位于 1 043 cm-1处的特征峰在一年生枝条中蓝移至1 053 cm-1,表明木质化程度高的细胞壁多糖以葡甘露聚糖为主,而木质化程度低的细胞壁多糖以阿拉伯聚糖为主;枝条1中波数为1 426 cm-1的特征峰在枝条3中红移至1 410 cm-1,表明木质化程度低的枝条3细胞壁上的果胶以单齿络合方式与金属离子结合。对氨基Ⅰ区域(1 700~1 600 cm-1)高斯多峰拟合数据显示,不同木质化程度的枝条均含有与果胶相连的β-折叠、β-折叠、α-螺旋、环与转角和β-折叠与转角的蛋白质二级结构。木质化程度低的枝条3中存在许多与果胶相连的β-折叠,能调控细胞壁的自组装过程;木质化程度高的枝条1中α-螺旋含量较低,可以有效降低多年生枝条木质化组织中因蛋白质-水之间的氢键缺失而对植株造成的危害。

关键词: 凤丹白(Paeonia ostii ‘Fengdanbai'), 木质化, 傅里叶变换红外光谱 (FTIR), 高斯多峰拟合, 蛋白质二级结构

Abstract: Both FTIR (Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy) and Guassian multi-peak fitting were employed to investigate the spectrum properties and the differences of protein secondary structure in perennial branch with the highest lignification degree (branch 1), annual branch with higher lignification degree (branch 2), annual branch with lower lignification degree (branch 3) of four years old Paeonia ostii ‘Fengdanbai'. The result of FTIR showed that 12 characteristic peaks were observed. The peak intensity at 1 253, 1 385, 1 461 and 1 738 cm-1 became greater, indicating that the perennial branch contained more lignin; a blue-shift was observed in branch 1 and annual branches from 1 043 cm-1 to 1 053 cm-1, which showed that cell wall polysaccharides of branch with high and low degree of lignification were glucomannan and araban, respectively; a red-shift was occurred in branch 1 and branch 3 from 1 426 cm-1 to 1 410 cm-1, which indicated that the pectin of cell wall of branch 3 was combined with metal cation through monodentate complex. The result of Guassian multi-peak fitting for the amide Ⅰ region (1 700~1 600 cm-1) indicated that branches contained β-sheet+side chain + pectin, β-sheet, α-helix, loop+turn, and β-sheet+turn of secondary protein structures at different degrees of lignification. Branch 3 with low lignification contained more β-sheet associated with pectin, which might regulate the cell wall self-assembly; branch 1 with highest lignification contained low amounts of α-helix might compensate for reduced protein-water hydrogen bond caused by lignification.

Key words: Paeonia ostii ‘Fengdanbai', lignification, Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Guassian multi-peak fitting, protein secondary structure
