湖北农业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (10): 85-90.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.10.017

• 园艺·特产 • 上一篇    下一篇


朱振兴1, 包婉玉1, 江林波2, 钟淑梅3, 马毅平4, 舒少华1   

  1. 1. 华中农业大学植物科学技术学院,武汉 430070;
    2. 湖北荆禾源生态农业有限公司,湖北 沙洋 448200;
    3. 九州通医药集团九信中药研究院,武汉 430050; 4. 湖北省果茶办公室,武汉 430070
  • 收稿日期:2020-06-22 出版日期:2021-05-25 发布日期:2021-05-28
  • 通讯作者: 舒少华,副教授,主要从事中药材栽培方向研究,(电话)18971600100(电子信箱)shushaohua@mail.hzau.edu.cn。
  • 作者简介:朱振兴(1996-),男,广西桂林人,硕士,主要从事中药材栽培方向研究,(电话)13545363025(电子信箱)zhuzhenxing@webmail.hzau.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:
    国家重点研发项目(2017YFC1700704); 湖北省重大科技项目(2017ACA175); 湖北省农业科技创新行动计划

Effects of intercropping soybean on growth environment,yield and quality of Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit

ZHU Zhen-xing1, BAO Wan-yu1, JINAG Lin-bo2, ZHONG Shu-mei3, MA Yi-ping4, SHU Shao-hua1   

  1. 1. College of Plant Science & Technology,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China;
    2. Hubei Jingheyuan Ecological Agriculture Co. ,Ltd. ,Shayang 448200,Hubei,China;
    3. Jiuxin Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jiuzhoutong Pharmaceutical Group,Wuhan 430050,China;
    4. Hubei Fruit Tea Office,Wuhan 430070,China
  • Received:2020-06-22 Online:2021-05-25 Published:2021-05-28

摘要: 为探究间作大豆对半夏[Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit]生长及药材质量的影响,在固定半夏播种密度下,设置35、50、65 cm的大豆株距,分析间作大豆条件下半夏生长环境的改变、生长状况、间作系统的土地当量比和种间竞争力以及半夏产量和药材质量的变化。结果表明,随着大豆种植密度的增加,半夏冠层光照度降低,叶面温度降低,土壤温度降低;间作大豆显著增加了半夏主叶叶面积、出土部分叶柄长及叶片SPAD值;间作系统中土地当量比增加,大豆竞争力强于半夏;间作大豆显著增加了半夏产量以及千粒重,其中以大豆50 cm株距间作下半夏产量最高,较半夏单作增产42.9%;间作大豆下的半夏药材质量和对照无显著差异,均符合药典要求。间作大豆为半夏提供了更良好的生长环境,增强了半夏生长势,提高了产量。

关键词: 半夏[Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit], 间作, 生长, 种间竞争力, 产量, 药材质量

Abstract: The effects of intercropping soybean on the growth and quality of Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit were studied. Under normal Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit sowing density,three soybean planting distances of 35 cm, 50 cm and 65 cm were adopted to measure the changes of Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit growing environment, growth, yield and quality of Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit, then the land equivalent ratio and interspecies competitiveness under the intercropping system were further analyzed. The results showed that with the increase of soybean planting density, the canopylight intensity, the leaf surface temperature and the soil temperature of Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit were all decreased, whereas the main leaf area, petiole length and SPAD value of Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit were significantly increased in the inter cropping system. The land equivalent ratio in the intercropping system increased, and soybean was more competitive than Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit; Intercropping soybean significantly increased Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit yield and thousand-grain weight. Under the condition of soybean with the 50 cm plant spacing had the highest Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit yield, an increase of 42.9% compared to Pinellia ternata (Thunb.)Breit monoculture; The quality of Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit had no significant difference compared with the control,and all meet the requirements of Chinese pharmacopoeia. Intercropping soybean provides a better growing environment for Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit, strengthens the growing tendency of Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit and increases the yield.

Key words: Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit, intercropping, growth, interspecies competitiveness, yield, medicinal material quality
