湖北农业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (6): 95-99.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.06.019

• 水产养殖 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈志1, 李伟鹏2, 胡丰晓2, 黄健3, 陈启春1, 魏成陈2, 连晨阳1   

  1. 1.福建省淡水水产研究所,福州 350002;
    2.福建农林大学,福州 350001;
    3.福建省水产技术推广总站,福州 350002
  • 收稿日期:2020-04-01 出版日期:2021-03-25 发布日期:2021-04-07
  • 作者简介:陈 志(1987-),男,安徽贵池人,工程师,硕士,主要从事水生动物繁育及贝类增养殖研究,(电话)18120826481(电子信箱)465887787@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:
    2018年福建省海洋与渔业结构调整专项资金; 2019年福建省省属公益类科研院所基本科研专项(2019R1014-2)

Acute toxic effects of four common disinfectants on Ruditapes philippinarum

CHEN Zhi1, LI Wei-peng2, HU Feng-xiao2, HUANG Jian3, CHEN Qi-chun1, WEI Cheng-chen2, LIAN Cheng-yang1   

  1. 1. Freshwater Fishery Research Institute of Fujian Province, Fuzhou 350002, China;
    2. Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350001, China;
    3. Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology Extension Station of Fujian, Fuzhou 350002, China
  • Received:2020-04-01 Online:2021-03-25 Published:2021-04-07

摘要: 为获得4种消毒剂对菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)成贝的安全浓度,为菲律宾蛤仔人工催产前消毒处理提供理论依据,采用静态急性毒性试验法,检测了高锰酸钾、聚维酮碘、二氧化氯和甲醛4种消毒剂对菲律宾蛤仔的急性毒性。结果表明,4种消毒剂的安全浓度分别为高锰酸钾(0.24 mg/L)、聚维酮碘(11.04 mg/L)、二氧化氯(0.68 mg/L)、甲醛(1.87 mg/L),4种消毒剂对菲律宾蛤仔的毒性大小为高锰酸钾>二氧化氯>甲醛>聚维酮碘。在菲律宾蛤仔的催产育苗和养殖过程中宜选用聚维酮碘进行消毒。

关键词: 菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum), 消毒剂, 急性毒性, 半致死浓度, 安全浓度

Abstract: In order to obtain the safe concentration of four common disinfectants on the scallop of Ruditapes philippinarum, and provides a theoretical basis for antisepsis treatment of Ruditapes philippinarum before artificial oxytocin, in this study, the acute toxicity of potassium permanganate, povidone iodine, chlorine dioxide and formaldehyde to Ruditapes philippinarum was tested by static acute toxicity test. The result showed that the safe concentration of the four disinfectants was potassium permanganate (0.24 mg/L),povidone iodine (11.04 mg/L),chlorine dioxide (0.68 mg/L),formaldehyde(1.87 mg/L); it can be known that the four disinfectants to Ruditapes philippinarum was potassium permanganate > povidone iodine > chlorine dioxide > formaldehyde. Povidone iodine should be used for disinfection in the process of oxytocin breeding of Ruditapes philippinarum.

Key words: disinfector, Ruditapes philippinarum, acute toxicity, median lethal concentration, safe concentration
