湖北农业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (5): 197-201.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.05.039

• 经济·管理 • 上一篇    


古琳钰, 叶鸿蔚   

  1. 河海大学公共管理学院,南京 211100
  • 收稿日期:2020-08-04 出版日期:2021-03-10 发布日期:2021-03-22
  • 作者简介:古琳钰(1994-),女,安徽芜湖人,硕士,研究方向为农村教育、教育管理,(电话)15150698029(电子信箱)13101892189@163.com。

Research on social organizations participation in rural environmental governance from the perspective of embeddedness:A case study of Qinjian village in Nanjing city

GU Lin-yu, YE Hong-wei   

  1. School of Public Administration,Hohai University,Nanjing 211100,China
  • Received:2020-08-04 Online:2021-03-10 Published:2021-03-22

摘要: 为改善乡村人居环境、实现乡村振兴以及推进社会组织参与农村环境治理,以和润社会工作服务中心参与南京市亲见村环境治理为例,采用嵌入性理论和实地调研的方法,研究了社会组织多维嵌入农村环境治理的实践模式,并从制度脱嵌、能力脱嵌和合作脱嵌3个方面分析了社会组织参与农村环境治理的现实困境。结果表明,社会组织参与农村环境治理存在法律制度缺位于公众和社会组织,社会组织专业能力滞后于农村环境治理,社会组织脱节于政府、村民和其他社会组织等问题。针对这些问题,从外部支持、内部再造和协同再嵌的角度提出制定有关社会组织的法律、完善公众参与环境治理的机制、提升社会组织参与农村环境治理能力、强化村民主体地位和加强政府、村民与社会组织的合作关系等建议措施。

关键词: 农村环境治理, 社会组织, 嵌入, 脱嵌, 再嵌, 亲见村

Abstract: In order to improve the rural living environment, realize rural revitalization and promote social organizations to participate in rural environmental governance. This study taked Herun social work service center’s participation in the environmental governance of Qinjian village in Nanjing city as an example, using embeddedness theory and field research methods to study the practice model of multi-dimensional social organizations embedded in rural environmental governance. The practical dilemma of social organizations participation in rural environmental governance was analyzed from system de-embedding, capacity de-embedding and cooperation de-embedding. The results showed that there were some problems in the participation of social organizations in rural environmental governance, including the lack of legal system located in the public and social organizations, the lag of social organizations professional ability in rural environmental governance, and the disconnection between social organizations and government, villagers and other social organizations. In view of these problems, from the perspective of external support, internal reconstruction and collaborative re-emplacement, it is proposed to enact laws concerning social organizations, improve the mechanism for public participation in environmental governance, improve the ability of social organizations to participate in rural environmental governance, strengthen the principal position of villagers, and strengthen the cooperative relationship between government, villagers and social organizations.

Key words: rural environmental governance, social organizations, embedding, de-embedding, re-embedding, Qinjian village
