湖北农业科学 ›› 2019, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (4): 53-55.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.04.013

• 园艺·特产 • 上一篇    下一篇


王伟东1, 2, 胡新颖1, 白一光1, 李雪艳1, 苏君伟1, 于立新3, 杨迎东1   

  1. 1.辽宁省农业科学院花卉研究所,沈阳 110161;
    2.沈阳艾特农业技术有限公司,沈阳 110161;
    3.庄河市农业推广中心,辽宁 大连 116400
  • 修回日期:2018-08-29 出版日期:2019-02-25 发布日期:2019-11-26
  • 通讯作者: 杨迎东(1973-),男,山东烟台人,副研究员,硕士,主要从事花卉栽培?育种及种球繁育技术研究工作,(电子信箱)yangyingdong2011@163.com。
  • 作者简介:王伟东(1980-),男,辽宁朝阳人,助理研究员,硕士,主要从事花卉栽培与种球繁育技术研究工作,(电话)18104029486(电子信箱) wangweidong1108@163.com
  • 基金资助:
    辽宁省自然科学基金项目(20170540503; 20170520065); 沈阳市科技计划项目(18-004-3-52)

Effects of Different Cultivation Substrate on the Growth of Conca d’or Lily Bulblets

WANG Wei-dong1, 2, HU Xin-ying1, BAI Yi-guang1, LI Xue-yan1, SU Jun-wei1, YU Li-xin3, YANG Ying-dong1   

  1. 1.The Institute of Flowers Research Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Shenyang 110161,China;
    2.Shenyang Aite Agricultural Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shenyang 110161,China;
    3.Zhuanghe Agricultural Promotion Center,Dalian 116400,Liaoning,China
  • Revised:2018-08-29 Online:2019-02-25 Published:2019-11-26

摘要: 为了筛选适宜百合(Lilium brownii var. viridulum Baker)种球繁育的最佳栽培基质配方,在鳞片球到小子球阶段,以OT系列百合木门为材料,研究了草炭、蛭石、珍珠岩、河沙4种基质8种不同栽培基质配方对木门子球生长的影响。结果表明,不同栽培基质处理木门百合子球植株生长、增殖系数、子球大小都存在显著差异。栽培基质为蛭石、珍珠岩、河沙处理鳞片生成子球的数量较多,增殖系数较高,由于3种基质营养物质较少,子球的周径和重量都偏小,因此不适宜作栽培基质。综合考虑植株形态、子球大小、子球重量、生根等指标,栽培基质以草炭∶珍珠岩=3∶1最有利于木门百合子球的生长。

关键词: 百合(Lilium brownii var. viridulum Baker), 木门子球, 栽培基质

Abstract: In order to screen the best cultivation substrate formula suitable for breeding lily(Lilium brownii var. viridulum Baker) bulbs, in the stage of scale bulblets to small bulblets, used OT series lily Conca d’or as the experimental material to study the effects of eight different substrate preparations of grass charcoal, vermiculite, perlite and river sand on the growth of Conca d’or bulblets. The results showed that there were significant differences in the plant growth, proliferation coefficient and bulblets size of Conca d’or bulblets. The cultivation substrate was composed of vermiculite, perlite and river sand.,the number of bulblets was relatively high, and the proliferation coefficient was high, because of the three kinds of matrix nutrients were less, the circumference and weight of the bulblets were small, so it was not suitable for cultivation substrate. Taking into account the plant morphology, bulblet size, bulblet weight, rooting and other indicators, the cultivation substrate is charcoal:perlite=3∶1, which is most conducive to the growth of the Conca d’or bulblets.

Key words: lily(Lilium brownii var. viridulum Baker), Conca d’, or bulblets, cultivation substrate
