湖北农业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (20): 215-220.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.20.048

• 经济管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


鄢志武, 梁小涵, 郑汉妮, 刘玲   

  1. 中国地质大学(武汉)经济管理学院,武汉 430074
  • 收稿日期:2019-12-23 出版日期:2020-10-25 发布日期:2020-12-04
  • 通讯作者: 梁小涵(1996-),女,河南许昌人,在读硕士研究生,研究方向为旅游目的地与旅游者行为,(电话)15926208802(电子信箱)935193710@qq.com。
  • 作者简介:鄢志武(1962-),男,湖北武穴人,教授,硕士,主要从事旅游学与旅游目的地研究,(电话)18971141219(电子信箱)534418129@qq.com。

Study on tourists' satisfaction with night tourism in Wuhan city based on revised IPA analysis method

YAN Zhi-wu, LIANG Xiao-han, ZHENG Han-ni, LIU Ling   

  1. School of Economics,Management,China University of Geosciences(Wuhan),Wuhan430074,China
  • Received:2019-12-23 Online:2020-10-25 Published:2020-12-04

摘要: 近年来中国夜间旅游发展如火如荼,然而调研发现,目前中国夜间旅游在发展过程中仍存在着诸多问题。选取武汉市为研究对象,引入修正后的IPA分析法来评价游客对武汉市夜间旅游的引申重要性和游客满意度。结果表明,游客对武汉市夜间旅游的休闲游览活动价格、休闲游览活动秩序、旅游购物价格、通讯设施、公共厕所、旅游信息获取便捷性等方面较为重视,但满意度较低。在此基础上从丰富夜间旅游活动、维护夜间游览活动秩序、完善夜间旅游基础设施、规范夜间旅游产品价格等方面提出针对性建议,以期推动武汉市夜间旅游的持续健康发展。

关键词: 武汉市夜间旅游, 修正IPA分析法, 游客满意度

Abstract: In recent years,the development of night tourism in China was in full swing.However,through the investigation,it was found that there were still many problems in the development process of night tourism.Taking Wuhan city as the research object,this study introduced the revised IPA analysis method to evaluate the extended importance and tourists' satisfaction of Wuhan city night tourism.The results showed that tourists pay more attention to the price of leisure activities,the order of leisure activities,the price of shopping,communication facilities,public toilets and the convenience of obtaining tourism information,but their satisfaction was low.On this basis,this study put forward some suggestions from the aspects of enriching night tourism activities,maintaining the order of night tourism activities,improving the night tourism infrastructure,standardizing the price of night tourism products,in order to promote the sustainable and healthy development of night tourism in Wuhan city.

Key words: Wuhan city night tourism, revised IPA analysis method, tourists' satisfaction
