湖北农业科学 ›› 2019, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (1): 126-132.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.01.030

• 经济·管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


吕斯涵, 张小平   

  1. 西北师范大学,兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2018-05-08 出版日期:2019-01-10 发布日期:2019-11-26
  • 作者简介:吕斯涵(1993-),男,江苏南京人,在读硕士研究生,研究方向为区域环境与生态产业,(电话)17361633991(电子信箱)599201260@qq.com。

Analysis on the Change and Difference of Forestry Industry Structure in Five Northwestern Provinces (Regions)——Based on DSSM

LYU Si-han, ZHANG Xiao-ping   

  1. Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China
  • Received:2018-05-08 Online:2019-01-10 Published:2019-11-26

摘要: 利用西北五省(区)林业的产值数据,通过动态偏离—份额分析法(DSSM)计算了该区域2006—2014年林业产业结构分量和竞争力分量,分析了其产业结构与竞争力之间的动态变化。结果表明,该区域林业产业整体上处于上升态势,其产值由2006年的34.60亿元增长到2014年的215.65亿元,年平均增长率达到25.70%;就产业结构而言,该区域林业三次产业的比重由2006年的91.87∶4.54∶3.60调整为2014年的83.15∶9.69∶7.16,林业结构以传统的林业种植业为主,林业第二、第三产业比重过低;从省(区)间林业产业发展差异上分析,陕西、新疆两个省(区)林业发展水平较高;从区域林业发展的整体水平上分析,该区域有较多的林业子产业发展迅速,从动态的角度看该区域林业产业的发展,较快的发展速度弥补了林业基础结构上的缺陷,产业结构总体上正在向逐步优化的方向演化。在此基础上,对西北五省(区)林业产业发展提出了相应的建议。

关键词: 动态偏离—份额分析法(DSSM), 林业产业, 产业结构, 产业竞争力, 西北五省(区)

Abstract: Using the output value data of forestry in the five northwestern provinces (regions), the structural and component components of forestry industry in 2006-2014 were calculated by dynamic deviation-share analysis (DSSM), and the dynamic changes between industrial structure and competitiveness was analyzed. The results show that the forestry industry in the region is on the rise as a whole, and its output value has increased from 3.46 billion yuan in 2006 to 21.565 billion yuan in 2014, with an average annual growth rate of 25.70%. In terms of industrial structure, The proportion of the three forestry industries in the region is adjusted from 91.87∶4.54∶3.60 in 2006 to 83.15∶9.69∶7.16 in 2014. The forestry structure is mainly based on traditional forestry planting, and the proportion of forestry second and third industries is too low. According to the analysis of the difference in the development of forestry industry among provinces (regions), the development level of forestry in Shaanxi and Xinjiang provinces is relatively high. From the overall level of regional forestry development, there are more forestry sub-sectors in the region developing rapidly. From a dynamic perspective,the rapid development speed makes up for the defects in forestry infrastructure, and the industrial structure is generally evolving in the direction of gradual optimization. On this basis, corresponding suggestions for the development of forestry industry in the five northwestern provinces (regions) were put forward.

Key words: dynamic shift-share analysis, forest industry, industrial structure, industrial competitiveness, five northwestern provinces(regions)
