湖北农业科学 ›› 2019, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (1): 91-95.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.01.022

• 畜牧·兽医 • 上一篇    下一篇


王发斌1, 赵晓翔, 王波, 邓强, 黄韵蓓, 李嘉兰, 刘瑞   

  1. 1.贵阳市第五职业学校,贵阳 550018;
    b.教学实验管理中心,贵阳 550018
  • 收稿日期:2018-07-30 出版日期:2019-01-10 发布日期:2019-11-26
  • 通讯作者: 王波(1968-),男,四川会理人,教授,博士,主要从事生物技术与分子药物学研究,(电话)15285117566 (电子信箱)wangwg2002@163.com。
  • 作者简介:王发斌(1969-),男,贵州贵阳人,中学一级教师,主要从事药理研究,(电话)18785075351(电子信箱)273366494@qq.com;

Experimental Study on the Treatment of Deep II Degree Scald in Rats by Qingre Shengjigao

WANG Fa-bin1, ZHAO Xiao-xiang, WANG Bo, DENG Qiang, HUANG Yun-bei, LI Jia-lan, LIU Rui   

  1. 1.Guiyang No.5 Vocational School,Guiyang 550018,China;
    2a.School of Chemistry and Life Sciences;
    2b.Teaching Laboratory Management Center,Guizhou Education University,Guiyang 550018,China
  • Received:2018-07-30 Online:2019-01-10 Published:2019-11-26

摘要: 研究清热生肌膏对大鼠深Ⅱ度烫伤创面的保护作用及作用机制。将SD大鼠100只随机分成模型组、烧伤膏组、清热生肌膏高剂量组、清热生机膏低剂量组。模型组及治疗组采用烫伤仪持续烫伤大鼠股部8 s制成深Ⅱ度烫伤模型,伤后立即给药,每天1次,连续21 d,不同的时间点取材,测定创面的创面愈合率、组织含水量、血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、羟脯氨酸(Hyp)、血清白细胞介素-1(IL-1)、肿瘤坏死因子-β(TNF-β)含量。结果表明,清热生肌膏对大鼠深Ⅱ度烧伤具有良好的保护作用,其作用机制和增加创面VEGF、Hyp水平,降低血清IL-1、TNF-β含量有关。

关键词: 清热生肌膏, 深II度烫伤, 血管内皮生长因子(VEGF), 羟脯氨酸(Hyp), 血清白细胞介素-1(IL-1), 肿瘤坏死因子-β(TNF-β);

Abstract: The protective effect and mechanism of Qingre Shengjigao on deep second degree scald wound in rats were studied. 100 SD rats were randomly divided into model group, burn cream group, high dose group of Qingre Shengjigao, and low dose group of Qingre Shengjigao. In the model group and the treatment group, the model of deep scald in the femoral part of the scald rat was made by the scald instrument, and the model of deep second degree scald was made by 8 s. Immediately giving medicine after injury, 1 times a day for 21 days, and taking samples at different times, the wound healing rate, water content, vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)content, hydroxyproline(Hyp)content, interleukin-1(IL-1) content, tumor necrosis factor beta(TNF-β)content were determined. The results showed that, Qingre Shengjigao has a good protective effect on deep two degree burn in rats, and its mechanism is related to the increase of VEGF and Hyp levels and the decrease of serum IL-1 and TNF- β levels.

Key words: Qingre Shengjigao, deep second degree scald, vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF), hydroxyproline(Hyp), interleukin-1(IL-1), tumor necrosis factor beta(TNF-β);
