湖北农业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (12): 79-81.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.12.017

• 植物保护 • 上一篇    下一篇


谢永辉, 詹莜国, 王志江, 张永贵, 余平, 许东亚, 欧阳进   

  1. 云南省烟草公司昆明市公司,昆明 650021
  • 收稿日期:2019-07-09 发布日期:2020-08-26
  • 作者简介:谢永辉(1986-),男,河南周口人,农艺师,博士,主要从事烟草病虫害等相关研究,(电话)15087030660(电子信箱)xiaohui3615@163.com。
  • 基金资助:
    云南省烟草公司科技计划项目(2017YN13); 中国烟草总公司、云南省烟草公司科技计划项目(110202001033; 2020530000241011)

Occurrence regularity and evaluation of biocontrol effect on thrips in flue-cured tobacco at seedling stages

XIE Yong-hui, ZHAN You-guo, WANG Zhi-jiang, ZHANG Yong-gui, YU Ping, XU Dong-ya,OUYANG Jin   

  1. Yunnan Tobacco Company Kunming Branch, Kunming 650021, China
  • Received:2019-07-09 Published:2020-08-26

摘要: 为明确烤烟苗期蓟马发生规律,探索捕食螨防治蓟马的释放技术,对烤烟苗期蓟马的种群动态和捕食螨的最佳释放方式进行了系统研究。结果表明,烤烟出苗以后即可见到蓟马危害,且种群密度逐步升高,直到移栽前达到高峰(大约每50株29.34头),移栽后急剧下降;面状释放的速效性明显优于点状释放,但持效性明显差于点状释放;点状释放从40 d开始,无论是虫口减退率还是防治效果,都优于面状释放。利用捕食螨防治烤烟苗期蓟马时,应在烤烟出苗以后尽早释放;当苗期蓟马的虫口基数较大时,建议采用面状释放方式来防治蓟马;当苗期蓟马的虫口基数较低时,建议采用点状释放方式来防治蓟马。

关键词: 烤烟, 蓟马, 发生规律, 捕食螨, 防治效果

Abstract: In order to define occurrence regularity of thrips in flue-cured tobacco at seedling stages, and explore techniques of releasing predatory mites against thrips in flue-cured tobacco at seedling stages, both the population dynamics of thrips and optimum release pattern of predatory mites in seedling stage of flue-cured tobacco were systematically studied. The results showed that after the emergence of flue-cured tobacco, the harm of thrips could be seen, and the population density increased gradually until reaching the peak before transplanting (about amount of 29.34 per 50 strains), which decreased sharply after transplanting; The quick action of flaky release was significantly better than that of punctate release, but the lasting effect was significantly worse than that of punctate release; After the 40 days of punctate release, no matter in terms of population decline rate or control effect, the punctate release method was better than the flaky release method. When using predatory mites to control thrips in flue-cured tobacco at seedling stage, they should be released as soon as possible after emergence; When the number of thrips population in the seedling stage was large, it was recommended to use the surface release method to control the thrips; When the number of thrips population in the seedling stage was low, it was recommended to use the punctate release method to control the thrips.

Key words: flue-cured tobacco, thrips, occurrence regularity, predatory mite, control effect
