湖北农业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (11): 107-111.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.023

• 贮藏·加工 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈婉, 李晋, 刘鑫, 罗晓鸽, 杜超, 肖永银, 徐世涛, 高则睿   

  1. 云南中烟新材料科技有限公司, 昆明 650106
  • 收稿日期:2019-08-13 出版日期:2020-06-10 发布日期:2020-08-06
  • 通讯作者: 高则睿, 男, 主要从事卷烟材料开发, (电话)13888376192(电子信箱)595848137@qq.com。
  • 作者简介:陈婉(1985-), 女, 云南昆明人, 工程师, 主要从事卷烟工艺及相关知识产权研究, (电话)13759177924(电子信箱)chenwan_308@sina.com;
  • 基金资助:

Study on coupling expansion of different form tobacco stem

CHEN Wan, LI Jin, LIU Xin, LUO Xiao-ge, DU Chao, XIAO Yong-yin, XU Shi-tao, GAO Ze-rui   

  1. Yunnan Tabacco Industrial Hi-Tech Material Co. Ltd., Kunming 650106, China
  • Received:2019-08-13 Online:2020-06-10 Published:2020-08-06

摘要: 为研究不同形态的烟梗经过微波耦合膨胀后的差异, 将长梗筛分为粗长梗和细短梗, 分别从原料水分含量、膨胀时间、微波功率三个方面探索了最佳的耦合膨胀条件, 然后在最佳工艺条件下分别进行耦合膨胀, 并测定了常规化学成分、致香成分的相对含量。结果表明, ①随着原料水分含量的增加, 粗长梗和细短梗的膨胀度均呈现出先上升再下降的变化趋势, 在原料水分含量为12%~14%时, 膨胀度趋于最高;②随着膨胀时间的延长, 粗长梗和细短梗的膨胀度和色差值均呈现增加的趋势, 膨胀时间超过2 min后, 粗长梗的膨胀度超过细短梗, 差异越来越大, 在膨胀时间内, 细短梗的色差值均高于粗长梗;③粗长梗和细短梗的微波功率最佳取值分别为700和600 W左右;④烟梗经耦合膨胀后总氮、氯、钾的含量变化不大, 总糖和还原糖的含量均有不同程度的降低。粗长梗和细短梗膨胀前后总植物碱的变化相反;⑤醇类、杂环类、酚类、酮类物质, 粗长梗和细短梗膨胀后变化趋势相同, 部分酸类、脂类、烷烃类、烯烃类在粗长梗和细短梗耦合膨胀后变化趋势相反。

关键词: 烟梗, 耦合膨胀, 粗长梗, 细短梗

Abstract: In order to study the difference of different forms of tobacco stem after microwave coupling expansion, the long stem was divided into thick long stem and fine short stem. The optimum coupling expansion conditions were explored from three aspectsraw material moisture, expansion time and microwave power. Then the coupling expansion was carried out under the optimum technological conditions, and the relative contents of conventional chemical components and aroma components were determined respectively. The results show that, ①with the increase of raw material moisture, the expansion degree of coarse and short pedicel increased at first and then decreased, and tended to be the highest when the moisture content of raw material was 12%~14%. ②with the increase of expansion time, the expansion degree and color difference of coarse and short pedicels increased. After the expansion time exceeded 2 min, the expansion degree of coarse and long pedicels exceeded that of slender pedicels, and the difference became larger and larger. During the expansion time, the color difference of thin and short pedicels was higher than that of coarse and long pedicels. ③The best value of the microwave power of the coarse and short stems is about 700 and 600 W, respectively; ④The contents of total nitrogen, chlorine and potassium changed little after coupling expansion, but the contents of total sugar and reducing sugar decreased in varying degrees. The changes of total plant alkaloids before and after expansion were opposite; ⑤The change trend of alcohols, heterocycles, phenols, ketones, coarse and short pedicels was the same, while that of some acids, lipids, alkenes and alkenes was opposite after the coupling expansion of coarse and short pedicels.

Key words: tobacco stem, coupling expansion, thick long stem, short and fine stem
