湖北农业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (11): 89-92.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.019

• 园艺·特产 • 上一篇    下一篇


庄得凤2, 3, 马策2, 徐宁2, 李振2, 王成   

  1. 1. 内蒙古民族大学, a. 农学院;b. 生命科学学院, 内蒙古 通辽 028000;
    2. 辽宁省农业科学院经济作物研究所, 辽宁 辽阳 111000;
    3. 沈阳农业大学园艺学院, 沈阳 110866
  • 收稿日期:2019-11-10 出版日期:2020-06-10 发布日期:2020-08-06
  • 作者简介:庄得凤(1982-), 女, 吉林德惠人, 讲师, 博士, 从事植物抗逆性的研究工作, (电话)15104197670(电子信箱)zhdf1203@hotmail.com。
  • 基金资助:
    内蒙古民族大学博士启动基金项目(BS561); 辽宁省博士启动基金项目(201601380)

Screening of cold resistance rose varieties by utilization of branches germination rate

ZHUANG De-feng2, 3, MA Ce2, XU Ning2, LI Zhen2, WANG Cheng   

  1. 1a.Agricultural College; 1b.College of Life Science, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Tongliao 028000, Inner Mongalia, China;
    2.Institute of Economic Crops, Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences , Liaoyang 111000, Liaoning, China;
    3.College of Horticulture, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China
  • Received:2019-11-10 Online:2020-06-10 Published:2020-08-06

摘要: 以20份月季(Rosa chinensis Jacq.)资源枝条为试验材料, 利用人工气候室进行枝条发芽试验, 结合品种成活率, 研究了各品种的耐寒性。结果表明, 爱、巴黎铁塔、粉扇、天堂、新勇敢5个品种完全冻死, 不能在辽阳及以北地区绿化应用;哈德福俊、花魂、橘红火焰、天山祥云、宇多野5个品种在辽阳最低气温-25.2 ℃条件下完全成活;安吉拉、万岁、修母主教、伊丽沙白女王4个品种, 虽地上部受冻, 但地下部未受冻, 依然能够成活。低温下枝条失水率从宏观上可以作为月季耐寒性的判断指标, 本研究筛选成活的9个品种具有一定的耐寒性, 为今后在北方城市绿化中推广应用提供了依据。

关键词: 月季(Rosa chinensis Jacq.), 枝条萌芽, 耐寒性, 越冬成活, 枝条失水

Abstract: Twenty rose varieties were collected to analyze cold resistance according to germination test by using cutting branches, combined with survival rate under natural conditions with temperature change. The results indicated that five varieties of Love, Eiffel Tower, Fen Shan, Paradise, New Spartan were entirely frozen to death, which were not suitable for landscaping application in north area or Liaoyang, Liaoning province. Otherwise, Hadefujun, Chivalry, Orange Fair, Tianshan Xiangyun, Utano were survived under -25.2 ℃ in Liaoyang. Angela, Viva, Cardinal Hume, Queen Elizabeth were frozen in overground part, but still can survive because of not frozen in underground part. The rate of water loss at low temperature can be used as a macro index to evaluate the cold resistance in rose. In the study, nine rose varieties were selected with a certain cold-resistance, which can be provided for foundations on city landscape of north area in the future.

Key words: rose(Rosa chinensis Jacq.), branch germination, cold resistance, wintering survival, water loss of branches
