湖北农业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (10): 145-149.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.10.034

• 信息工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


宋文波, 王健   

  1. 绍兴职业技术学院,浙江 绍兴 312000
  • 收稿日期:2020-03-31 出版日期:2020-05-25 发布日期:2020-08-03
  • 作者简介:宋文波(1972-),男,浙江绍兴人,讲师,硕士,从事网络技术、无线传感器网络应用研究,(电话)13858426039(电子信箱)songwb@sxvtc.com。
  • 基金资助:

Design of coal mine geological disaster monitoring system based on WSN

SONG Wen-bo, WANG Jian   

  1. Shaoxing Vocational & Technical College,Shaoxing 312000,Zhejiang,China
  • Received:2020-03-31 Online:2020-05-25 Published:2020-08-03

摘要: 针对煤矿地质灾害频发、破坏力强、监测难度大等问题,提出了基于WSN的煤矿地质灾害监测系统。结果表明,该系统采用Zigbee模块构建无线传感器网络,搭配MPU-9250(九轴运动感测组件)、土壤温湿度传感器、雨量传感器等设备,能够有效监测滑坡、地面塌陷、地裂缝等灾害。无线网络数据可以通过NB-IOT网关传输到系统监测平台,方便对煤矿区域远程实时监测。该系统具有高性价比、低迟延、易扩展以及准确性高等特点,可以在煤矿地质灾害监测方面发挥较大作用。

关键词: 煤矿地质灾害, WSN, Zigbee, 实时监测

Abstract: :In view of the frequent occurrence, strong destructive power and difficult monitoring of coal mine geological disasters, the WSN based coal mine geological disaster monitoring system was proposed. The system used Zigbee module to build wireless sensor network, and MPU-9250 (nine axis motion sensing module), soil temperature and humidity sensor, rainfall sensor and other equipment, which could effectively monitor landslides, ground collapse, ground cracks and other disasters. Wireless network data could be transmitted to the system monitoring platform through NB-IOT gateway, which was convenient for remote real-time monitoring of coal mine area. The application showed that the system has the characteristics of high cost performance, low delay, easy expansion and high accuracy, which could play a greater role in the monitoring of geological disasters in coal mines.

Key words: geological disaster of coal mine, WSN, Zigbee, real time monitoring
