湖北农业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (10): 64-68.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.10.012

• 资源·环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


王毅, 管恩森, 陈洪伟, 王术科, 高凯, 王玉华, 王大海, 张旭, 刘春菊, 杨德廉   

  1. 山东潍坊烟草有限公司,山东 潍坊 262200
  • 收稿日期:2019-07-12 出版日期:2020-05-25 发布日期:2020-08-03
  • 作者简介:王 毅(1981-),男,山东龙口人,农艺师,硕士,主要从事烤烟栽培与耕作方面研究,(电话)13964692392(电子信箱)65202900@qq.com。

Effects of different fertilization methods on the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco and the yield and quality of tobacco

WANG Yi, GUAN En-sen, CHEN Hong-wei, WANG Shu-ke, GAO Kai, WANG Yu-hua, WANG Da-hai, ZHANG Xu, LIU Chun-ju, YANG De-lian   

  1. Shandong Weifang Tobacco Co.,Ltd.,Weifang 262200,Shandong,China
  • Received:2019-07-12 Online:2020-05-25 Published:2020-08-03

摘要: 研究不同施肥方式对烤烟生长发育及烟叶产量、质量的影响。结果表明,相比其他施肥处理,硝酸钾用作追肥,其余肥料作基肥处理综合表现最优。与全部肥料作基肥施用相比,将硝酸钾用作追肥,能够促进旺长及平顶期烟株发育,烟叶产量、产值分别提高12.80%和9.70%;中、上部烟叶颜色、油分及总分得分分别提高了2.50%~3.90%、4.83%~9.43%和1.68%~2.86%;中、上部烟叶钾含量提高了14.29%和16.89%,且烟叶内在化学成分更加协调。

关键词: 施肥方式, 烤烟, 农艺性状, 外观质量, 化学成分

Abstract: A field experiment was designed to study effect of different fertilization mode on development of tobacco, yield and its quality. The results showed that compared with other fertilization treatments, potassium nitrate as topdressing and other fertilizers as basal fertilizer had the best comprehensive performance. Compared with the application of all fertilizers as basal fertilizer, potassium nitrate as topdressing can promote the development of tobacco plants in the growing and flat-topped periods, and the tobacco yield and output value are increased by 12.80% and 9.70%,respectively. The color, oil content and total score of middle and upper tobacco leaves increased by 2.50%~3.90%, 4.83%~9.43% and 1.68%~2.86%, respectively. The potassium content of middle and upper tobacco leaves increased by 14.29% and 16.89%, and the internal chemical composition of tobacco leaves was more harmonious.

Key words: fertilization mode, flue-cured tobacco, agronomical traits, appearance quality, chemical components
