湖北农业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (10): 58-63.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.10.011

• 资源·环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


王蓉1, 马玲1, 杨常新1, 黄玲丹1, 李佳1, 杨冬艳2   

  1. 1.宁夏吴忠国家农业科技园区管委会,宁夏 吴忠 751100;
    2.宁夏农林科学院种质资源研究所,银川 750021
  • 收稿日期:2019-11-05 出版日期:2020-05-25 发布日期:2020-08-03
  • 通讯作者: 杨冬艳(1977-),副研究员,硕士,主要从事设施环境调控与蔬菜栽培生理研究,(电子信箱)yangdongyan2000@163.com。
  • 作者简介:王 蓉(1988-),女,宁夏固原人,农艺师,硕士,主要从事作物高效栽培及水肥一体化研究,(电话)18809507418
  • 基金资助:

Optimizing water and fertilizer system of cucumber in solar greenhouse based on the different treatment of water and fertilizer

WANG Rong1, MA Ling1, YANG Chang-xin1, HUANG Ling-dan1, LI Jia1, YANG Dong-yan2   

  1. 1. Wuzhong National Agricultural Science and Technology Park Management Committee,Wuzhong 751100,Ningxia,China;
    2. Institute of Germplasm Resources,Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Yinchuan 750021,China
  • Received:2019-11-05 Online:2020-05-25 Published:2020-08-03

摘要: 通过研究灌水量和施肥量耦合对黄瓜生长指标、果实产量及品质的影响,探索宁夏旱作区温室黄瓜的水肥一体化管理制度。以春夏茬黄瓜为试材,设置灌水量、用肥量的两因素三水平正交试验。结果表明,黄瓜整个生育期株高可用Logistic方程模拟,且不同处理模拟系数均高达98%以上,生长末期株高TR7(高水高肥)﹥TR8(中水高肥)﹥TR4(高水中肥),这3个处理均显著高于其他处理;在结果盛期至结瓜末期, 茎粗几乎停止生长; 高肥水平可促进叶片增长, 水肥用量与株高、产量呈正相关, 相关系数达0.47~0.57, 水肥用量与产量呈正相关。日光温室春茬黄瓜在沙壤土(容重为1.10 g/cm3, 田间持水量为24.21%)的条件下,灌水量2 222.05 m3/hm2、 用肥量1 200 kg/hm2的处理最佳, 产量高达110 190.00 kg/hm2,经济效益高达19.27万元/hm2,水分生产率49.58 kg/m3,肥料生产率91.83 kg/kg。其中,N用量为216 kg/hm2,P2O5用量108 kg/hm2,K2O用量324 kg/hm2

关键词: 日光温室, 春夏茬, 黄瓜, 灌溉制度

Abstract: By studying the effects of coupling irrigation amount and fertilizer amount on cucumber growth index, fruit yield and quality, the integrated management system of water and fertilizer in greenhouse cucumber in dry farming area of Ningxia is explored. Two factors and three levels orthogonal test of irrigation amount and fertilizer amount were set with spring and summer stubble cucumber as test material. The results show that the cucumber height shows an available logistic equation simulation during whole growth period, and almost all simulation coefficients reaches as high as more than 98%, plant height show TR7 (high water and fertilizer)﹥TR8(medium water and high fertilizer)﹥TR4(high water fertilizer), and this three treatments are significantly higher than those of other treatments; From the peak of fruit stage to the end of fruit stage, the stem diameter almost stopps growing. At the same time, high fertilizer level can promote growth of leaf, the amount of water and fertilizer is positively correlated with plant yield, the correlation coefficient is up to 0.47~0.57, and the amount of water and fertilizer is positively correlated with yield. Under the condition of sandy loam (bulk density is 1.10 g/cm3, field water capacity is 24.21%), the best treatment is 2 222.05 m3/hm2 of irrigation water and 1 200 kg/hm2 of fertilizer. The yield is up to 110 190.00 kg/hm2, the economic benefit is up to 192 700 yuan/hm2, the water productivity is 49.58 kg/m3, and the fertilizer productivity is 91.83 kg/kg. Among them, N amount is 216 kg/hm2, P2O5 amount is 108 kg/hm2, and K2O amount is 324 kg/hm2.

Key words: solar greenhouse, spring-summer stubble, cucumber, irrigation system
