湖北农业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (7): 126-130.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.07.026

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董京铭, 张银意, 陈江文, 郝玲, 史达伟   

  1. 连云港市气象局, 江苏 连云港222006
  • 收稿日期:2019-03-04 发布日期:2020-06-28
  • 作者简介:董京铭(1989-),男,江苏连云港人,工程师,硕士,主要从事农业应对全球变化的研究,(电话)18961341686(电子信箱)792156709@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:

Study on the meteorological insurance index of rice insurance: A case study of Lianyungang city

DONG Jing-ming, ZHANG Yin-yi, CHEN Jiang-wen, HAO Ling, SHI Da-wei   

  1. Lianyungang Meteorological Bureau, Lianyungang 222006, Jiangsu,China
  • Received:2019-03-04 Published:2020-06-28

摘要: 以江苏省连云港市近30年水稻单产以及近30年来的气象要素,利用5年直线滑动均值法,分离出气象产量,并将气象产量与各种气象要素进行相关性检验,根据相关性结果选取日照时数作为农业气象保险指数因子,投保时间选取水稻对日照最敏感的抽穗开花期与灌浆成熟期,同时建立水稻减产率与寡照时数的关系模型。再依据连云港市各区县日照气象数据,采用Weibull 分布模型模拟不同地区发生寡照气象灾害的概率,结合减产率模型确定不同灾害触发等级下保险纯费率。结果表明,连云港市各区县水稻减产率与寡照时数呈三次函数关系;其中灌云灌南发生寡照灾害概率较高,而赣榆最低;连云港市各区县寡照气象灾害指数保险纯费率呈南高北低的趋势,灌南地区的纯费率最高,在轻度灾害赔付触发等级下,纯费率高达8.32%,而赣榆地区的纯费率最低,仅为2.98%。研究认为在中度或中重度灾害触发等级下纯费率较适宜,研究结果可为连云港市各区县水稻开展政策性气象指数保险提供科学依据。

关键词: 寡照气象灾害, 气象指数保险, 纯费率, Weibull 分布, 连云港市

Abstract: Based on the rice yield per unit area in Lianyungang in the past 30 years and the meteorological elements in the past 30 years, using the 5-year linear sliding average, the meteorological yield was separated, the correlation between meteorological yield and various meteorological factors was tested. According to the correlation results, sunshine was selected as the agrometeorological insurance index factor, and the most sensitive period of heading, flowering and grain-filling maturity of rice were selected, at the same time, the relationship model between the yield reduction rate and the duration of low illumination was established. Then, based on the sunshine meteorological data of each district and county in Lianyungang, the Weibull distribution model was used to simulate the probability of the occurrence of the under-illumination meteorological disaster in different areas, and the yield reduction model was used to determine the pure premium rate under different disaster triggering levels. The results showed that the yield reduction rate of rice in Lianyungang was a function of three times with the number of days of low illumination, among which the probability of occurrence of low illumination disaster was higher in irrigated Guanyun, Guannan and lowest in Ganyu district, and the pure premium rate of meteorological disaster index insurance in Lianyungang was higher in south than in north, guannan County has the highest net rate, at 8.32 per cent on the light disaster payment trigger scale, while Ganyu district has the lowest, at 2.98%. The results of this study can provide scientific basis for the development of policy-based meteorological index insurance for rice in Lianyungang.

Key words: oligotropic meteorological disaster, meteorological index insurance, pure premium rate, Weibull distribution, Lianyungang city
