湖北农业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (3): 154-157.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.03.034

• 经济·管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 湖南公信房地产评估经纪有限公司,湖南 常德 415000
  • 收稿日期:2019-05-07 发布日期:2020-05-11
  • 作者简介:李 敏(1988-),女,湖南湘阴人,硕士,主要从事不动产估价工作,(电话)18274828870(电子信箱)274193082@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:

Evaluation of ancient architecture value based on contingent valuation method

LI Min   

  1. Hunan Gongxin Real Estate Valuation Brokerage Company Ltd.,Changde 415000,Hunan,China
  • Received:2019-05-07 Published:2020-05-11

摘要: 古建筑不仅具有经济价值,而且具有历史、文化、审美等价值,全面评估其真实价值有利于保护古建筑。以龙山县某古建筑为例,调查民众对该古建筑保护和修缮的支付意愿,采用条件价值法测算古建筑的价值。结果表明,68.45%受访者对保护和修缮古建筑有支付意愿;受访者对古建筑保护和修缮的平均支付意愿额度为13.812元;基于条件价值法测算得到古建筑的价值比成本法测算的价值高14.78%。因此,条件价值法是评估古建筑价值的一种合理可行的方法。

关键词: 古建筑, 价值评估, 条件价值法, 支付意愿

Abstract: Ancient buildings not only have economic value, but also have historical, cultural, aesthetic and other values. A comprehensive assessment of their true value is conducive to the protection of ancient buildings. Taking an ancient building in Longshan county as an example, the public's willingness to pay for the protection and repair of the ancient building was investigated, and the value of the ancient building was measured using conditional value method. The results show that 68.45% of the respondents are willing to pay to protect and repair ancient buildings; respondents' average willingness to pay for the protection and repair of ancient buildings was 13.812 yuan; the value of the ancient building calculated based on the conditional value method is 14.78% higher than that measured by the cost method. Therefore, the conditional value method is a reasonable and feasible method for evaluating the value of ancient buildings.

Key words: ancient architecture, value evaluation, contingent valuation method, willingness to pay
