湖北农业科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (17): 82-83.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.17.021

• 贮藏·加工 • 上一篇    下一篇


范传会1,4, 张莉会3, 励阿达2, 关健1,4, 陈学玲1,4, 何建军1,4   

  1. 1.湖北省农业科学院农产品加工与核农技术研究所,武汉 430064;
    2.象山红达莲藕专业合作社,浙江 宁波 315700;
    3.湖北工业大学食品与制药工程学院,武汉 430068;
    4.湖北省水生蔬菜保鲜加工工程技术研究中心,武汉 430068
  • 收稿日期:2018-03-15 出版日期:2018-09-10 发布日期:2020-04-02
  • 通讯作者: 何建军,研究员,主要从事农产品贮藏与加工研究,(电子信箱)hjj63@sina.com。
  • 作者简介:范传会(1987-),女,安徽阜阳人,助理研究员,博士,主要从事农产品贮藏与加工研究,(电话)18271948705(电子信箱)xinxinyuyueliang@163.com。
  • 基金资助:
    宁波市科技富民项目(201501CX-D01043); “十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAD27B03)

Effects of Blanching Pretreatment on Lotus Sprout Hardness and Colour

FAN Chuan-hui1,4, ZHANG Li-hui3, LI E-da2, GUAN jian1,4, CHEN Xue-ling1,4, HE Jian-jun1,4   

  1. 1.Institute for Farm Products Processing and Nuclear-Agricultural Technology,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Science,Wuhan 430064, China;
    2.Xiangshan Red Lotus Root Professional Cooperation,Ningbo 315700,Zhejiang,China;
    3.College of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan 430068,China
  • Received:2018-03-15 Online:2018-09-10 Published:2020-04-02

摘要: 对漂烫预处理对藕带硬度和色泽的影响进行分析,用0.1%的柠檬酸溶液对藕带进行漂烫,可以在维持藕带硬度的同时明显降低藕带中多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性,减少藕带褐变现象的产生。结果表明,藕带硬度随着漂烫温度和漂烫时间的延长而降低,藕带PPO酶活性变化趋势与藕带硬度相同,随着漂烫温度和漂烫时间的延长而降低;100 ℃下进行漂烫会显著降低藕带硬度,改变藕带原有质构特性,得到最佳漂烫工艺为75 ℃下漂烫2.5 min。

关键词: 藕带, 柠檬酸, 漂烫, 硬度, 褐变

Abstract: Blanching lotus sprout with 0.1% citric acid solution can significantly reduce the activity of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) in lotus root and inhibited the browning of the lotus sprout while maintaining the lotus sprout hardness. The experiments found that lotus sprout hardness decreased with the extension of blanching temperature and blanching time. The trend of PPO enzyme activity in lotus sprout was the same as that of lotus sprout. Blanching at 100 ℃ significantly reduced the lotus sprout hardness, changing the texture characteristics of lotus sprout. Experiments found that the best bleaching process was blanching at 75 ℃ for 2.5 min.

Key words: lotus sprout, citric acid, blanching, hardness, browning
