湖北农业科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (7): 104-107.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.024

• 贮藏·加工 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 广西农业职业技术学院,南宁 530007
  • 收稿日期:2017-10-30 发布日期:2020-01-14
  • 作者简介:郭静婕(1982-),女,广西南宁人,实验师,硕士,主要从事食品深加工技术和食品检测研究,(电话)13407736305(电子信箱)501295717@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:

Study on the Production Technology of Banana Lemon Compound Fruit Vinegar

GUO Jing-jie   

  1. Guangxi Agricultural Vocational-Technical College,Nanning 530007,China
  • Received:2017-10-30 Published:2020-01-14

摘要: 通过研究不同发酵条件下对香蕉(Musa nana Lour.)柠檬复合果醋产酸量的影响,选取最佳发酵工艺条件。结果表明,香蕉柠檬的原料比例为8∶1(mm),初始乙醇体积分数6%,醋酸菌添加量0.1%,初始pH 4.0,发酵温度31 ℃,醋体的总酸度达到最大值6.35%。

关键词: 香蕉(Musa nana Lour.), 柠檬, 复合果醋

Abstract: The effects of different fermentation conditions on the acid production of banana(Musa nana Lour.) lemon compound fruit vinegar were studied,and the optimum fermentation conditions was selected. The results showed that the ratio of raw materials of banana lemon was 8∶1(mm),the initial alcohol was 6%, the addition of acetic acid was 0.1%,the initial pH was 4.0,the fermentation temperature was 31 ℃ and the total acidity of the vinegar was the 6.35%.

Key words: banana(Musa nana Lour.), lemon, compound fruit vinegar
