湖北农业科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (7): 91-95.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.021

• 园艺·特产 • 上一篇    下一篇


王闻1, 彭三文1, 熊姗姗2   

  1. 1.湖北中烟卷烟材料厂,武汉 430050;
    2.云南瑞升烟草技术(集团)有限公司,昆明 650106
  • 收稿日期:2017-11-29 发布日期:2020-01-14
  • 通讯作者: 熊姗姗,(电话)13658833820(电子信箱)double_three33@126.com。
  • 作者简介:王 闻(1986-),男,湖北汉川人,工程师,主要从事特色功能滤棒创新研发,(电话)13971009545(电子信箱)16300208@hbtobacoo.cn;
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Organic Acids on the Sensory Quality of Cigarettes

WANG Wen1, PENG San-wen1, XIONG Shan-shan2   

  1. 1.China Tobacco Hubei Cigarette Material Factory,Wuhan 430050,China;
    2.Yunnan Reascend Tobacco Technology(Group) Co., Ltd., Kunming 650106,China
  • Received:2017-11-29 Published:2020-01-14

摘要: 为考察天然植物颗粒中有机酸对卷烟感官品质的影响,选取了6种天然植物颗粒进行了挥发性有机酸含量的测定、卷烟主流烟气测定和感官质量评价。结果表明,在卷烟滤嘴中添加天然植物颗粒后,在卷烟抽吸过程中,烟气气溶胶对天然植物中的部分挥发性苯甲酸和苯乙酸具有较好的洗脱能力,且颗粒中苯甲酸和苯乙酸的含量与卷烟主流烟气中的苯甲酸和苯乙酸的释放量呈正相关。在一定程度上,天然植物颗粒挥发性有机酸含量与卷烟抽吸品质呈正相关,对植物颗粒进行挥发性有机酸的含量分析可以有效指导天然植物颗粒的筛选,为开发提升卷烟品质的植物颗粒材料提供一种可量化的筛选依据。采用逐步回归分析法对21个卷烟样品的感官评价与挥发性有机酸含量之间建立了预测模型,说明了苯甲酸和苯乙酸的含量对卷烟感官品质刺激性和潮润感的变异性具有较好的解释能力。

关键词: 天然植物颗粒, 挥发性有机酸, 卷烟感官品质

Abstract: In order to investigate the effects of organic acids on the sensory quality of cigarettes,six kinds of plant natural plant granules were selected for the determination of volatile organic acids,the determination of mainstream smoke and sensory quality of cigarettes. The results showed that,after adding the natural plant particles in the cigarette filter,the flue gas aerosol had better elution ability to some volatile benzoic acid and phenylacetic acid in the natural plant,and the content of benzoic acid and phenylacetic acid in the mainstream smoke was positively correlated with the release of benzoic acid and phenylacetic acid. To some extent, the content of volatile organic acids in natural plant particles is positively correlated with the quality of cigarette smoking. The analysis of volatile organic acids in plant particles can effectively guide the selection of natural plant particles. The particulate material provides a quantifiable screening basis. A predictive model was established between the sensory evaluation and the volatile organic acid content of 21 samples by stepwise regression analysis. It showed that the content of benzoic acid and phenylacetic acid had a better effect on the sensory quality of the cigarettes and the variability of the moisturizing sensation.

Key words: natural plant particles, volatile organic acids, cigarettes sensory quality
