湖北农业科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (7): 65-68.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.015

• 植物保护 • 上一篇    下一篇


李莉a, 朱文达b, 李林b, 李金泉c   

  1. 湖北省农业科学院,a.粮食作物研究所/湖北省杂粮工程技术研究中心;
    b.植保土肥研究所,武汉 430064;
    c.经济作物研究所,武汉 430064
  • 收稿日期:2016-01-16 发布日期:2020-01-14
  • 通讯作者: 朱文达,研究员,主要从事杂草高效防除技术研究及其农药药效登记试验,(电子信箱)10526328@qq.com。
  • 作者简介:李 莉(1974-),女,湖北武汉人,助理研究员,硕士,主要从事食用豆育种与栽培研究,(电话)13657272970(电子信箱)hslili07@163.com;
  • 基金资助:

Studies on Broadleaf Weed Control Effects of Fluoroglycofen-ethyl 10%EC in Soybean Fileds

LI Lia, ZHU Wen-dab, LI Linb, LI Jin-quanc   

  1. a.Institute of Food Crops,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Hubei Coarse Cereals Engineering Research Center;
    b.Institute of Plant Protection,Soil and Fertilizer;
    c.Institute of Industrial Crops,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan 430064,China
  • Received:2016-01-16 Published:2020-01-14

摘要: 分析10%乙羧氟草醚EC对大豆田阔叶杂草的防除效果和最佳使用剂量,对其进行了田间药效试验。结果表明,10%乙羧氟草醚EC 300~1 200 mL/hm2处理,药后40 d对大豆田阔叶杂草的株防效达91.49%~99.87%,鲜重防效达95.65%~99.94%,可较好地控制大豆田野苋菜、马齿苋的为害,在杂草3~5叶期使用,用量以600~900 mL/hm2为宜。

关键词: 10%乙羧氟草醚EC, 大豆, 阔叶杂草, 防除效果

Abstract: A field experiment was conducted to determine the efficacy of fluoroglycofen-ethyl 10%EC against broadleaf weeds in the soybean field. The results showed that the control efficacy was 91.49%~99.87% at 40 days after post-emergence treatment with fluoroglycofen-ethyl 10%EC at the application rate of 300~1 200 mL/hm2 in the soybean field,and 95.65%~99.94% (based on weed plant fresh weight) at 40 days after treatment. Fluoroglycofen-ethyl 10%EC had relatively good effect to broadleaf weeds in soybean fields and when it was applied during 3~5 leaf stage,the chemical worked well in controlling the weeds of Amaranthus spinosus L. and Portulaca oleracea L., the suitable dosage was 600~900 mL/hm2.

Key words: fluoroglycofen-ethyl 10%EC, soybean, broadleaf weeds, control efficacy
