湖北农业科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (21): 57-59.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.21.013

• 资源·环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


王骏1, 陈祖义1, 刘兵1, 李琳2, 赵伏伟3, 康伟3   

  1. 1.湖北省大悟县农业局,湖北 大悟 432800;
    2.湖北省武汉市黄陂区农业检验检测中心,武汉 430300;
    3.湖北中化东方肥料有限公司,武汉 430213
  • 收稿日期:2018-06-13 出版日期:2018-11-10 发布日期:2020-01-13
  • 通讯作者: 李 琳,农艺师,主要从事农业作物安全检测检验工作,(电子信箱)1143220568@qq.com。
  • 作者简介:王 骏(1971-),男,湖北大悟人,农艺师,主要从事种植业技术研究与推广,(电话)0712-7265750(电子信箱)964497502@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Sinochem Biological Organic Fertilizer on Peanut

WANG Jun1, CHEN Zu-yi1, LIU Bing1, LI Lin2, ZHAO Fu-wei3, KANG Wei3   

  1. 1.Agricultural Bureau of Dawu,Dawu 432800,Hubei,China;
    2.Huangpi Agricultural Inspection and Testing Center,Wuhan 430300,China;
    3.Hubei Sinochem Orient Fertilizer Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan 430213,China
  • Received:2018-06-13 Online:2018-11-10 Published:2020-01-13

摘要: 在湖北省孝感市大悟县开展中化生物有机肥在花生(Arachis hypogaea)上应用试验示范,旨在探索该有机肥对花生农艺性状和产量的影响。结果表明,与习惯施肥相比,该肥料能够提高花生百果重、百仁重、出仁率和产量,分别增加5.03%、7.69%、1.49%和7.87%;提升花生品质,改善风味;对改善土壤理化性状也有良好作用。

关键词: 花生(Arachis hypogaea), 生物有机肥, 应用效果, 大悟县

Abstract: A trial was conducted by using Sinochem biological organic fertilizer in Dawu county to study the effect of it on peanut(Arachis hypogaea) and ascertain the possibility of high quality and high yield. The results indicated that such organic fertilizer could enhance the weight of 100 shucks and kernels,thus increase yield and shelling rate,increased by 5.03%,7.69%,1.49% and 7.87%,respectively;increase the quality and ameliorate flavor,compared to the traditional fertilizer application. As well as,it showed excellent effect on maintaining or improving soil environmental physical and chemical properties.

Key words: peanut(Arachis hypogaea), biological organic fertilizer, application effect, Dawu county
