湖北农业科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (21): 9-15.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.21.002

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王康哲, 阳涛, 陈祎, 何春光, 盛连喜   

  1. 东北师范大学环境学院/国家环境保护湿地生态与植被恢复重点实验室,长春 130117
  • 收稿日期:2018-04-16 出版日期:2018-11-10 发布日期:2020-01-13
  • 通讯作者: 盛连喜(1952-),男,教授,博士生导师,主要从事湿地生态学相关研究,(电子信箱)shenglx@nenu.edu.cn。
  • 作者简介:王康哲(1996-),女,河南濮阳人,在读硕士研究生,主要研究方向为生态农业园区规划设计,(电话)18844107932(电子信箱)wangkz268@nenu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Development Models,Evaluation and Countermeasures of Recycling Agriculture

WANG Kang-zhe, YANG Tao, CHEN Yi, HE Chun-guang, SHENG Lian-xi   

  1. Northeast Normal University,School of Environment/State Environment Protection Key Laboratory of Wetland Ecology and Vegetation Restoration,Changchun 130117,China
  • Received:2018-04-16 Online:2018-11-10 Published:2020-01-13

摘要: 在综述循环农业研究现状的基础上,梳理出国内外循环农业的发展历程及特点,划分出基于产业耦合与废弃物深度开发的两类发展模式,比较了宏观层面与微观层面两类评价方法。分析了目前中国循环农业发展存在的问题,并从政府扶持、金融体制、科技支撑力、产业化体系构建和完善评价体系与方法等方面提出相应的建议,以期为循环农业的发展和深入研究提供参考。

关键词: 循环农业, 发展模式, 评价, 对策, 文献计量学

Abstract: According to review on the research status of recycling agriculture,through combing the development history and characteristics of recycling agriculture at home and abroad,marking out two types of development models based on the industrial coupling and the depth development of waste,two kinds of evaluation methods from both macroscopic view and microcosmic perspective were compared,and some problems existing in the development of circular agriculture in China were analyzed,then corresponding suggestions were put forward from aspects of the government support,financial system, scientific and technological support,the construction of industrialization system, and the improvement of evaluation system and methods,to provide a reference for the development and further research of recycling agriculture.

Key words: recycling agriculture, development models, evaluation, countermeasures, bibliometrics
