湖北农业科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (3): 64-70.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.03.015

• 动物科学 • 上一篇    下一篇


郑猛1, 2, 刘君宜1, 刘清平1, 2, 郑峰3, 夏少丹1, 2, 郭爱文1, 胡兴宜2, 4   

  1. 1.咸宁市林业科学院,湖北 咸宁 437000;
    2.湖北幕阜山竹林生态系统国家定位观测研究站,湖北 咸宁 437000;
    3.湖南常德文理学院,湖南 常德 415000; 4.湖北省林业科学研究院,武汉 430075
  • 收稿日期:2017-10-09 出版日期:2018-02-10 发布日期:2019-12-25
  • 通讯作者: 胡兴宜(1974-),男,湖北松滋人,研究员,主要从事森林培育、森林生态等科研及科技推广工作,(电话)13637177972(电子信箱)huxingyi027@126.com。
  • 作者简介:郑猛(1988-),男,安徽阜阳人,助理工程师,硕士,主要从事生态监测的研究工作,(电话)15272655817(电子信箱)zhengmeng6688@126.com。
  • 基金资助:

Preliminary Study on the Spring Avian Community Structure in Xianning City

ZHENG Meng1, 2, LIU Jun-yi1, LIU Qing-ping1, 2, ZHENG Feng3, XIA Shao-dan1, 2, GUO Ai-wen1, HU Xing-yi2, 4   

  1. 1.The Forestry Academy of Xianning,Xianning 437000,Hubei,China;
    2.Hubei Mufushan Mountain Bamboo Forest Ecosystem Research Station,Xianning 437000,Hubei,China;
    3.Hunan University of Arts and Science,Changde 415000,Hunan,China;
    4.Hubei Academy of Forestry, Wuhan 430075,China
  • Received:2017-10-09 Online:2018-02-10 Published:2019-12-25

摘要: 2017年春季,采用样线法对咸宁城市4种生境类型的鸟类群落结构进行调查,共记录3 856只,属9目28科73种,雀形目占优势,占总种数的75.34%,有留鸟39种,是春季鸟类的主要组成类型。生境间,白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)、白颊噪鹛(Garrulax sannio)是共有优势种类,鸟类在阔叶混交林种数最多(52种),在农田密度最高(63.412 ind/hm2),楠竹林种类与密度均最少(17种,14.417 ind/hm2)。生境间多样性指数差异显著(F3,11=11.245,P=0.003),农田(2.700)>混交林(2.471)>常绿阔叶林(2.349)>楠竹林(1.739),楠竹林多样性最低(F3,11=24.320,P=0.001)。均匀性指数在各生境间相近(F3,11=0.246,P=0.862)。优势度指数存在显著差异(F3,11=4.516,P=0.039),常绿阔叶林最高(0.478)(F1,11=7.593,P=0.021),楠竹林最低(0.386)(F1,11=6.133,P=0.033)。群落相似性指数落叶-常绿混交林和常绿阔叶林间最高(0.611),农田与楠竹林间最低(0.295)。咸宁城市生境鸟类群落结构受到生境中植被资源的空间配置和种类影响,鸟类群落呈现出一定的多样化和相似性,由于受到人类活动影响,优势鸟类多为人类活动的伴生种。

关键词: 鸟类, 多样性, 群落, 生境, 咸宁

Abstract: The avian community structure of Xianning city was investigated by line transect method in the spring of 2017. The avian community structure was investigated in four habitat types, the total 3 865 avian was recorded which belonged to 9 orders,28 families and 73 species,the Passeriformes were dominant group accounting for 75.34%,they included 39 resident species that were main elements of the community. Light-vented Bulbul and White-browed laughing thrush were the common dominant species. The maximum quantity of species was in mixed broadleaf forest(52 species), the maximum avian density was in farmland(63.412 ind/hm2), both the minimum density and least species were in bamboo forest(17 species, 14.417 ind/hm2). The Shannon-Wiener index was farmland(2.700)>mixed forest(2.471)>broad-leaved evergreen forests(2.349)>bamboo forest(1.739)(F3,11=11.245,P=0.003),the bamboo forest was the lowest(F3,11=24.320,P=0.001). The Evenness index was approximately equal among habitats(F3,11=0.246,P=0.862). The Dominance index was significantly different(F3,11=4.516,P=0.039),the maximum index was in the evergreen broad-leaf forest(0.478)(F1,11=7.593,P=0.021),the bamboo forest was the least(0.386)(F1,11=6.133,P=0.033). The community similarity index was the highest between the mixed forest and evergreen broad-leaved forest(0.611), and the least between the farmland and bamboo forest(0.295). The avian community was influenced by the plant spatial configuration and species,presented a certain diversity and similarity in different habitats in Xianning city. Meantime,the dominant species was the associated species because of the effects of human activities.

Key words: avian, diversity, community structure, habitat, Xianning city
